ACT Australia Hauntings

Haunted Sites – ACT


This list contains some of the more popular haunted sites in ACT, this list has been compiled from several resources on the internet, in newspapers, and from television documentaries. These sites have not been confirmed by Paranormal Research Australia.

Research Australia.

  • Duffy – There is a creek around, with a house right next to it or on top of it, where a little girl roams around. The former owners had visits from the little girl. She died in the late 1800’s/early 1900’s, by drowning in the creek.
  • Kambah Wool Shed – Used in the 1900’s as a convict prison, where executions also took place. Many believe that there are hundreds of spirits floating around in the wool shed. There have also been reports from nearby houses that screams have been heard from the shed. There was a report of a man finding blood in a corner of the shed.
  • Mount Cotton – There is a place called Spook Hill. Turn your car off in the middle of the hill, hop out and it rolls up all by itself.