The History
The Commissariat Store is reported to be Queensland’s oldest stone building. Built in 1829 by convicts as a secure store its walls are up to 1.2m thick in sections and the foundations are built right into the river bank.
The rear of the building had a pier attached that allowed for the delivery of goods directly from vessels on the river. However, this pier has since been demolished for the river expressway.
The stores have served several purposed throughout its life including the keeping of government stores, a storage facility for the Queensland state archives, a migrant depot, the Queensland historical society headquarters and finally as a museum for the early years of Brisbane settlement.

The Hauntings
There are several different reports of unexplained phenomena in the stores such as unusual noises heard when no one else is in the building, footsteps in vacant areas of the building and most well-known of all is the haunting relating to a specific door to the outside of the building.
It is said that once all the workers have gone home and the doors are secured if someone knocks on this door that footsteps approaching the door can be heard and stop once reaching the door. It is rumoured that the ghost is that of a convict who was murdered during the construction of the building, however no evidence of the ghost’s identity has been discovered.
Investigation Report
The Paranormal Research Australia team have not investigated this site. No conclusions can be made at this time.